What to do if I CANNOT travel to Korea for medical reasons?

Медицинский Центр Самсунг

At the beginning of the year, many of us were thinking of having a checkup in South Korea during the spring break. Others were looking for medical treatment for underlying diseases at Korean hospitals. While some were thinking to boost their personal confidence at plastic surgery clinics in Korea.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus spread cut everyone’s plan short. The travel industry went to a total halt: cancelled flights, country travel restrictions and quarantines. 

As a result of that, many were left with the following question: 

What to do if I cannot travel to Korea for medical reasons? Where to look for medical answers?

The first and immediate answer is to look for alternative options. Luckily, we live in the most connected times in history. Thus, plenty of answers lie on the web. Medical treatment included.

At Medical Avenue we have been working on our “second opinion online consultations” program for 5 years. Our database and resources incorporate Ivy-league American doctors (Dana Farber Harvard Cancer Center, MGH, UCLA, etc) and top Korean hospitals (Samsung Medical Center, Asan Medical Center, etc). The application process is meticulously managed by medical coordinators. We use cloud technology and video conferencing platforms that guarantee your safety and privacy.

In the case of US consultations, we bring specialists for 30 minutes on one-on-one consultations. We help you to prepare 5 key questions. Those inquiries are the basis for the medical report we obtain from the physician. So far, 68% of our cases have changed their treatment plan.

While for the Korean online consultations, we collect and provide Korean doctors with all your medical records and images. Maximum two days later, we go back to you with the doctor’s readings, assessments and recommendations.

Further, although now travel is restricted and not recommendable, in case you urgently want to travel for medical treatment, Medical Avenue will help you find the best possible option. Or if you can wait until the coronavirus spread fears calm down, our team will help you arrange everything on time.

Online medical consultations: an alternative solution

We cannot predict when the travel business in general and medical tourism in particular will go back to normal. But we can surely offer all our resources to you and help you deal with your medical problem. Online solutions are useful in any situation, but even more now that we are all facing a big challenge with the coronavirus spread.

For more information, send us an email to info@medicalavenuekorea.com, go to our Facebook site (English speaking reps. available) and leave a request or call us directly (Whatsapp for consultations: +82-10-2449-0215). We are glad to help you.

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